Company Secretarial Duties

You could be forgiven for feeling daunted by dealing with Companies House and the secretarial duties and responsibilities that form part of running a business. They are probably one of the least well understood aspects of running a business!

However, in order to meet your legal obligations several statutory duties exist. Filing the accounts and dealing with the tax returns are the obvious ones, but did you know you are also required to maintain statutory records and notify Companies House of certain decisions and events within a specific timeframe?

Why not let us take care of these duties and keep your business on the right side of the law!

Six Steps to Sustainable Business Growth

As a business owner, you need to be driving your business forward, exceeding customer expectations, achieving your goals and helping your team to thrive. Yet all too often, what you actually end up doing is spending hours slaving over your books, tracking down missing invoices and receipts and losing sleep over HMRC and statutory returns. Download our free guide to change that today.